Relationship between the educational climate and the syndrome of professional exhaustion in resident physicians of the Hospital Nacional
Main Article Content
Introduction: the postgraduate educational climate (CE) in the hospital environment can determine the way in which resident physicians (MRs) adapt to their new stage, during which professional burnout syndrome (PAS) is highly likely to occur at some point.
Objective: to determine the relationship between the educational climate and professional burnout in physicians in the medical residency programs of the National Hospital 2023-2024.
Methodology: cross-sectional observational study of a sample of MR convenience of both sexes from all medical specialties of the National Hospital between November 2023 and January 2024, MR with external rotation and/or vacations were excluded. Sample calculation; 136 MR. An online form from Google was sent to the MR email requesting voluntary participation. The SAP was measured with the standard Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) method with subscales; emotional exhaustion (EA), depersonalization (DESP), personal fulfillment (PR), with PAS with high scores of AE, DESP and low RP. The EC was assessed with the measure of the hospital postgraduate educational environment (PHEEM) with subscales; perception of role autonomy (PAR), perception of teaching (PE), perception of social support (PSS), the higher the score, the better the EC. Demographic and academic variables, MBI and PHEEM scores were collected, and the SAP was considered dependent, as the main result was the predictive relationship of the PHEEM on the SAP. Data were compared with χ², t-test or Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA and linear regression (p-significant value = 0.05).
Results: of 233 participants, the mean age was 28.75 (±2.20), 63.94 % (149) women, the general prevalence of PAS; 70.38 % (164/233), PAS in men 75 % (63/84) and women 67.78 % (101/149) p=0.0014, the first 2 years with the highest frequency of PAS; 65 (85.52 %), 59 (86.76 %) respectively p=0.0009, 63 (90 %) p=0.0071 surgical specialties. The subscales of the MBI, the AE; 79.82 % (186) with an average of 35.39 (± 11.61) points. The CE of MRs with SAP; 107.9 (19.6) dots and without PAS; 136.3 (12.1) dots 95 % CI 18.1– 5.0 p= 0.0001. The PHEEM predicted the AE with R2=0.619,
B= -0.18 (±0.009) p=0.001, and the DESP; R2= 0.385, B= -0.001(0.004) p=0.009, PSS being a
significant predictor with inverse correlation in both.
Conclusion: there is an inverse relationship between the educational climate and burnout syndrome
in the population studied, with a high prevalence of burnout in male residents of surgical specialties,
with the social support of the hospital educational environment being a significant predictor for the
development of burnout syndrome.
Article Details
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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