Frequency of epicardial coronary lesions in patients with Dilated Heart Disease in a Department of Cardiology in the period from 2015 to 2021

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Diana Elisa Bogarín Segovia
José Antonio Valenzuela Sánchez
Mauricio Nicolás Barreto Ríos
Fátima Carolina Celeste López Ibarra
Ángel David Brítez Ranoni
Silvana Lucia Zayas
Gustavo Lorenzo Escalada Lesme


Introduction: dilated heart disease defined as the dilation of cardiac cavities of multiple etiologies has a prevalence in adults of around 1/2.500 individuals. Transthoracic echocardiography determines chamber dilation and evaluates ventricular function, while coronary angiography can identify the mainly ischemic etiology due to involvement of the epicardial coronary arteries. The use of coronary angiography as the first line for the etiological diagnosis implies risks of an invasive method with a high cost in economic resources, for which it is imperative to determine the possible result of said procedure.
Objective: to determine the frequency of epicardial coronary lesions in patients with Dilated Heart Disease in a Departmento de Cardiología in the period 2015-2021.
Methodology: observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, by reviewing the database in a Departmento de Cardiología.
Results: this study included 88 patients, with dyspnea in NYHA functional class II-IV and dilated heart disease by echocardiography, of unknown etiology. Out of this group, 66% were men and 34 % women, the mean age was 56 ± 11.19 years. When undergoing diagnostic cinecoronariography, it was found that 23 % had epicardial coronary lesions, the most frequent being a lesion of a vessel (55 %), with the male sex predominating in those with or without epicardial coronary lesions.
Conclusions: the frequency of epicardial coronary lesions in patients with dilated heart disease islow.

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How to Cite
Bogarín Segovia DE, Valenzuela Sánchez JA, Barreto Ríos MN, López Ibarra FCC, Brítez Ranoni Ángel D, Zayas SL, Escalada Lesme GL. Frequency of epicardial coronary lesions in patients with Dilated Heart Disease in a Department of Cardiology in the period from 2015 to 2021. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 May 18];13(2):29-3. Available from:
Artículo Original


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