Coping with death in Paraguayan medical students in August 2021 a multicenter study

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Raúl Emilio Real-Delor
Ángel Matías Aranda-Cano
Nidia Leonor Arrellaga-Jacquet
Noham Ariel Benegas-González
Laura Joana Britos-Brítez
Tatiana Maribel Cavia-Franco
Elías Marcelo Coronel-Quiñonez
Emilio José Escobar-Álvarez
Viviana Milagros-Irala
Claudia Carolina Leoni
Erika Kamila Lezcano-Torres
Matías Cayetano Méndez-Sanabria
Lia Hilda Gregoria Pérez-Fernández
Maira Belén Riveros-Candia
Karina Elizabeth Vega-González


Introduction: coping with death is one of the most difficult tasks that medical students have to face.
Objectives: to determine the level of coping with death in medical students.
Methodology: we conducted an observational, cross-sectional, multicenter study. We included men and women, medical students from public and private universities from Paraguay in 2021, who agreed to participate in the study. A telematic questionnaire was used. Sociodemographic variables were measured. The level of coping was determined with the Bugen scale. The research was approved by the Comité de Ética of the Universidad Privada del Este, Asunción.
Results: 504 students were included, 74 % being female and with a mean age of 22 ± 4 years. Most were born in Paraguay (88 %), were Catholic (73 %), registered as an organ donor (60 %), and had a recent history of the death of a family member or friend (76 %). The Bugen scale detected a low level of coping with death in 52 % of the women and 42 % of the men (p <0.05).
Conclusion: coping with death in medical students was low. It is suggested to include courses or workshops to improve this aspect in the curriculum of the medical schools of Paraguay.

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How to Cite
Real-Delor RE, Aranda-Cano Ángel M, Arrellaga-Jacquet NL, Benegas-González NA, Britos-Brítez LJ, Cavia-Franco TM, Coronel-Quiñonez EM, Escobar-Álvarez EJ, Milagros-Irala V, Leoni CC, Lezcano-Torres EK, Méndez-Sanabria MC, Pérez-Fernández LHG, Riveros-Candia MB, Vega-González KE. Coping with death in Paraguayan medical students in August 2021: a multicenter study. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];13(2):40-53. Available from:
Artículo Original


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