Time management in paraguayan medicine students

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Ema Maidana-Pont
Iván Barrios
Violeta Maqueda-Amarilla
Igor Ernesto Marcet Franco
Julio Torales


Introduction: efficient time management is emerging as a core competency for medical students. Acquiring this skill enables them to effectively manage their agendas, thus avoiding the inherent stress in their training and ensuring successful performance. It also improves their ability to balance their academic and personal commitments by improving their decision-making skills, such as effective task prioritization and preventing task-overload situations that may undermine their performance.
Methodology: this was a descriptive, observational study of prevalence and cross-association conducted in medical students in Paraguay to assess their time management skills. To measure time management, the Spanish version of the Time Management Behavior Questionnaire for University Students was used. This is a self-administered instrument that includes 34 items related to how students manage their learning and study time.
Results: the correlation between quantitative variables showed a relationship between age and the “setting goals and priorities” subscale; (r= -0.208; p=0.038); this association was indirect and weak. In terms of mean differences, a relationship was found between sex and the “time management tools” subscale; (t=-2.37; gl=98; p=0.020), with men (2.61 ± 0.89) having a lower mean than women (3.04 ± 0.74).
Conclusions: the aspect that scored the lowest was the tendency towards disorganization. This characteristic, in contrast to the high score seen in goal setting and prioritization, shows a tendency towards a structured and orderly approach to learning, thus avoiding a lack of planning in students’ activities.

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How to Cite
Maidana-Pont E, Barrios I, Maqueda-Amarilla V, Marcet Franco IE, Torales J. Time management in paraguayan medicine students. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];15(2):04-013. Available from: https://revistadelnacional.com.py/index.php/inicio/article/view/121
Artículo Original


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