Access and adherence to a differentiated psychosocial intervention process for health services and systems in adult gay men living with HIV Paraguay, 2022

Main Article Content

Mirtha Daihana Estigarribia Sosa
Fabio Franco Pacuá
José Miguel Palacios González


Introduction: access to healthcare services in Paraguay is influenced by various barriers. Thus, it is
essential to describe the impact of public policies and their implications in mitigating these barriers.
Objective: to describe the differentiated support and its contribution to socio-emotional support, therapeutic adherence, and access to healthcare services in the area of care for males living with HIV.
Methodology: a qualitative, descriptive study with semi-structured interviews and a nonprobabilistic, directed, and intentional sample.
Results: this qualitative study explored the experiences of individuals living with HIV who received differentiated psychosocial support in an integrated care service. Participants emphasized the
importance of support in coping with the post- iagnosis crisis. In-person guidance, empathetic
listening, and follow-up facilitated engagement and adherence to healthcare services and antiretroviral treatment. Psychosocial support played a critical role in debunking misconceptions about HIV/AIDS, empowering individuals regarding their serostatus, and improving their quality of life. The role of peer groups in providing emotional support was emphasized. Some participants reported previous experiences of non-consensual disclosure and confidentiality breaches.
Differentiated psychosocial support was essential in promoting the integration and retention of people
with HIV in integrated care services (therapeutic adherence).
Conclusions: differentiated psychosocial support was crucial in facilitating the engagement and adherence of individuals with HIV. Comprehensive care necessitates identifying specific situations, establishing trust-based relationships, and effective communication. Initial support is vital for providing emotional support in the face of the diagnostic impact. Ongoing follow-up is essential due to the dual discrimination faced. Confidentiality and the ability to build empathetic relationships are central elements. The aforementioned factors favor adherence to treatment. The results suggest that these psychosocial practices can enhance models of comprehensive care for people with HIV.

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How to Cite
Estigarribia Sosa MD, Franco Pacuá F, Palacios González JM. Access and adherence to a differentiated psychosocial intervention process for health services and systems in adult gay men living with HIV: Paraguay, 2022. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];16(1):081-94. Available from:
Artículo Original


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