Management experience of postoperative enterocutaneous fistulae in the Hospital Nacional since 2017 to 2022
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Introduction: the occur enterocutaneous fistula as a complication of one or several previous surgeries. Mortality is still very high. Its treatment represents a challenge for the surgeon and great use of human and economic resources and a long hospital stay.
Objective: to determine the experience in the management of postoperative enterocutaneous fistulae in the general surgery service of the Itauguá National Hospital during the period 2017-2022.
Methodology: retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study with nonprobabilistic sampling. There were only 30 cases with complete records, which we subjected to processing and analysis of the variables of interest.
Results: of the final sample, 70 % were men, the average age was 49,6 years and 28,6 days of hospitalization. Only 5 patients consulted due to fecaloid discharge, the rest reported seropurulent discharge from wound or surgical scar. Of the total, 9 were high debit. 100 % received antibiotic therapy, 4 of the 14 patients who underwent surgery as therapeutics, died. The most commonly used surgical technique was: laparotomy + release of adhesions and identification of the fistula + intestinal resection + anastomosis. Most of the antecedents were post-operated for high mechanical intestinal occlusion or acute peritonitis of appendiceal origin.
Conclusion: due to their high impact on work and social capacity, enterocutaneous fistulas represent very complex and relevant surgical pathologies with low definitive cure rates. Most present as a complication in emergency surgeries; requires multidisciplinary intervention adapted to each particular case.
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