Quality of life of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing hemodialysis treatment at the Hospital National in the Department of Nephrology period 2022 – 2023
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Introduction: patients with chronic kidney disease requiring renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis)are common in Paraguay, which affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
Objective: to know the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis treatment in the Departmento de Nefrología of the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional in the period 2022-2023.
Methodology: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional carried out in the Nephrology Department of the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional of Paraguay. 189 patients who came for hemodialysis treatment between 2022-2023 were included in the study. The sample was census. To determine quality of life, the Kidney Disease Quality of Life questionnaire - 36 items was used. The data were analyzed with the Epi Info program.
Results: the average age of the patients was 53 years, 58.2 % men. 98 % reported the presence of some type of concomitant comorbidity, the most frequent being diabetes mellitus 43 % and arterial hypertension 86 %. The average number of months on hemodialysis treatment was 20 months. The questionnaire, Kidney Disease Quality of Life - 36 items, showed average scores less than 50 in the mental component (65.08) and in the physical component (71.95) as well as in the burden of the disease
subscale (55.55).
Conclusion: the majority of patients with chronic kidney disease with hemodialysis treatment at the National Hospital show a low quality of life.
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