Neurophobia in Medical Students from Paraguay

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Elías René Rolón Méndez
Martín Sánchez García de Zúñiga
José Rosa Aguirre Silvero
Adriana Isabel Salinas Aquino
Marcelo Luis Iván Sarabia Guerrero
Gustavo Nabil Céspedes Añazco
Fernando Rubén Leiva Espínola
Álvaro Aguayo Centurión
Marcelo O’Higgins
Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez
Antonio Ventriglio
João Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia
Anthon Daniel Torres-Romero
Iván Barrios
Julio Torales


Introduction: neurophobia, defined as the fear or aversion to neurology due to its perceived complexity, poses a challenge in medical education. This study examines the prevalence and associated factors of neurophobia among medical students in Paraguay.
Objective: to explore perceptions, attitudes, and factors associated with neurophobia among medical students and identify educational strategies to enhance neurology teaching.
Methodology: this was an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study conducted with a sample of 413 medical students from various Paraguayan universities. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, prior experiences in neurology, and knowledge perceptions were collected using a validated questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed.
Results: a total of 41.6 % of students reported a low likelihood of choosing neurology as a specialty, while 33.9 % expressed intermediate levels of fear toward this discipline. The main causes of neurophobia were theoretical teaching approaches (32.9 %) and the perceived difficulty of neuroanatomy (35.8 %). Additionally, 69.2 % considered neurology teaching to be insufficient, and 81.1 % reported a lack of extracurricular activities related to neurology.
Conclusions: the findings highlight the need for a more practical and interactive curriculum, emphasizing clinical simulations and extracurricular activities to foster interest and confidence in neurology. These changes could mitigate neurophobia and encourage professional development in this specialty.

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How to Cite
Rolón Méndez ER, García de Zúñiga MS, Aguirre Silvero JR, Salinas Aquino AI, Sarabia Guerrero MLI, Céspedes Añazco GN, Leiva Espínola FR, Aguayo Centurión Álvaro, O’Higgins M, Caycho-Rodríguez T, Ventriglio A, Castaldelli-Maia JM, Torres-Romero AD, Barrios I, Torales J. Neurophobia in Medical Students from Paraguay. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];17(PC):e1700107. Available from:
Artículo Original


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