Thyroid disorders in adult patients with chronic renal failure
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Introduction: hypothyroidism can be associated with chronic kidney failure and its symptoms can overlap.
Objectives: to determine the frequency and clinical characteristics of silent thyroid disorders in adult patients with chronic renal failure.
Methodology: we conducted an observational, correlational, prospective, multicenter study. We included adults’ men and women, with chronic kidney failure, who attended the National Hospital (Itauguá) and the Military Hospital (Asunción) during 2020. The subjects who gave their consent were invited to the determination of the serum thyroid profile. Subjects in predialytic and dialytic therapy were included. Known carriers of thyroid diseases were excluded. Demographic and clinical variables were measured. We applied descriptive and analytical statistics. The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Privada del Este.
Results: we included 103 women and 115 men, with a mean age of 58 and 57 years, respectively. Overweight was found in 52,4 % and obesity in 16,6 %. In 66 % of the cases the patients were in stage 5 of renal failure. Diabetic and hypertensive origin was the predominated etiology. Anemia was found in 90 %. Regarding the thyroid profile, 20,2 % were found in the normal range, 12,4 % in clinical hypothyroidism, 15,6 % in subclinical hypothyroidism, 20,2 % with euthyroid sick syndrome and 31,6 % with low T3 syndrome. A significant association was found between creatinine clearance and thyroid status.
Conclusion: 28 % had some degree of hypothyroidism. Thyroid function screening is recommended in patients with chronic renal failure.
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