Risk factors for low bone mass in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus
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Introduction: patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have a high risk of presenting low bone mass. The etiology is multifactorial (traditional risk factors, characteristic of the disease, laboratory, serological, metabolic and those related to treatment).
Objective: to determine the traditional risk factors for low bone mass (sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, low milk intake, low body mass index), those related to the disease (clinical presentation, laboratory), metabolic and treatment, with the decrease of bone mineral density in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Methodology: prospective analytical cross-sectional observational study of premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus, who attended the National Hospital in the period October 2017 - October 2019. Bone mineral density was evaluated by DEXA densitometry, and the Z score was used, equal values or lower than -2,0 SD was considered low bone mass. The variables analyzed were: traditional risk factors for low bone mass, related to lupus, laboratory, serological, metabolic and treatment. Statistical analysis: mean and standard deviation for continuous variables were used to describe the variables; and proportions for qualitative ones. The risk factors for low bone mass were established by the Chi square test, considering a p value of ˂0,05 as significant; the Student's t test was used to compare means.
Result: 61 premenopausal women were studied, with a mean age 25,6 ± 7 years, being from the interior of the country 50,8 % and Central 49,18 %. They had secondary studies 54,10 %, tertiary 34,43 %, primary 11,48 %. 40,98 % were sedentary. 21,31 % had a low milk intake and 1,64 % was an active smoker. They were 66,2 % normal weight, 15,25 % overweight, 18,33 % obese, 1,64 % underweight. The mean time of illness was 50,5 ± 56,4 months. The disease activity index (SLEDAI) was 6,5 ± 6,5. 31,5 % had a duration of the disease greater than 5 years. They had lupus nephritis 52,54 %, severe activity 24,5 %, hypocomplementemia 45 %. Mean ANA 995,5 ± 1164, mean anti DNA 274,2 ± 830,8, anti Ro positive 54,7 %, anti Sm positive 24,5 %. Vitamin D normal value 18,5 %, insufficient 50,9 %, deficient 32,6 %. 7 patients had low bone mass, 11,4 %. No association was found between traditional risk factors, those related to the disease (systemic inflammation, laboratory), metabolic and treatment with low bone mass, (p ≥ 0,05).
Conclusion: they had a low bone mass 11,4 %. The traditional risk factors, those related to the disease, laboratory, metabolic and treatment did not present a statistically significant association with low bone mass.
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