Mucocutaneous manifestations of Chikungunya fever registered in the Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional, in the period february-april 2023

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Mariam Gabriela Estigarribia Alvarez
Diana Elizabeth Nunes
Victoria Beatriz Rivelli de Oddone
Arnaldo Benjamín Feliciano Aldama Caballero


Introduction: Chikungunya fever is characterized by fever, joint pain and skin rash. Paraguay in recent months has suffered an epidemic with significant morbidity and mortality. Many not only systemic but also cutaneous manifestations were very striking and are considered atypical of the disease.
Objective: to communicate the various mucocutaneous manifestations in probable and confirmed cases of chikungunya fever.
Metodology: prospective, descriptive and observational study of the mucocutaneous manifestations of chikungunya fever registered in the Servicio de Dermatología of the Hospital Nacional in the period February to April 2023. Patients of all ages and both sexes with the diagnosis confirmed by laboratory studies or probable by epidemiological link.
Results: In this series of 58 patients, the maculopapular erythematous rash was the most frequent finding (41.3 %) followed by edema of the extremities (24.1 %). Vesico-bullous lesions were observed in 8 cases, all pediatric. Aphthoid lesions in the mouth and genitals, urticarial and purpuric lesions, acral and facial cyanosis, and acneiform eruption were other findings of interest, as well as exacerbation of previous dermatoses such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Patterns of hyperpigmentation were observed in a small number of patients. A combination of lesions was observed in 28 patients. The diagnosis was confirmed in 44.8 % by means of the study of RT-PCR molecular techniques, 1 by ELISA with Positive Igm and the rest by epidemiological link.
Conclusion: in our study, a wide variety of mucocutaneous manifestations was observed, with maculopapular rash being the most frequent manifestation, as well as manifestations considered atypical of the disease.

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How to Cite
Estigarribia Alvarez MG, Nunes DE, Rivelli de Oddone VB, Aldama Caballero ABF. Mucocutaneous manifestations of Chikungunya fever registered in the Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional, in the period february-april 2023. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];15(1):001-13. Available from:
Artículo Original


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