Incidence of total post-thyroidectomy complications at the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, period 2018-2022

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Jéssica Franco López
Miguel Ferreira Bogado
Leonardo Saúl Samudio Machuca


Introduction: there are geographical differences described regarding post-thyroidectomy complications, but despite the greater knowledge of surgeons for the approach, the fear continues to be the morbidity associated with postoperative complications.
Objective: to determine the incidence of complications post total thyroidectomy in the Servicio de Cirugía General of the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional between the period between 2018 and 2022.
Methodology: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, in retrospective time that included patients of both sexes between 18 and 70 years of age admitted to the Servicio de Cirugía General of the Hospital Nacional during the period 2018-2022 for total thyroidectomy. Patients undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy were excluded. For data collection, a data collection instrument was designed where all the variables were included, the data was obtained from the statistics service plus the clinical records of the patients studied. The data were recorded in the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 computer program and analyzed with descriptive statistics using the statistical software SPSS version 24®.
Results: the mean age was 47 years, SD ± 13,504, females predominated in 87.8 % (65), the most frequent indication for total thyroidectomy was multinodular goiter 79.7 % (59). Complications were observed in 78. 4% (58), of which hypocalcemia predominated in 55.4% (41), no deaths were recorded.
Conclusion: hypocalcemia continues to be the most frequent complication, coinciding with the literature.

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How to Cite
Franco López J, Ferreira Bogado M, Samudio Machuca LS. Incidence of total post-thyroidectomy complications at the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, period 2018-2022. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];15(1):014-23. Available from:
Artículo Original


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