Characterization of secondary acute peritonitis according to the Mannheim scale subjected to surgical treatment in the General Surgery Service at the Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social in the year 2020

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Pablo Enrique Schaerer Elizeche
Andrea Ramírez


Introduction: secondary peritonitis, whether localized or generalized, is an entity capable of generating a systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which results in, despite the multiple advances in diagnosis, surgical procedures, antibiotic therapy and intensive care, it still presents indices of high morbidity and mortality, the latter, globally, is around 20 - 35%. In the Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social, approximately 20-25 monthly cases of peritonitis are treated surgically, the main origins being appendicular, colonic, biliary, gastric, and intestinal.
Objective: to characterize the cases of secondary acute peritonitis according to the Mannheim Index who underwent surgical procedures at the Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social, from January 2020 to December 2020.
Methodology: descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study, non-probabilistic sampling.
Results: 206 patients with secondary acute peritonitis were included, the average age was 49 years, the incidence in females is 45.63% and in males 54.37%, mortality was 16.5%. . The most frequent etiology is that of appendicular origin followed by that of colonic origin. Mortality was higher in cases of colonic origin. Patients with a Mannheim Index greater than 26 had a mortality rate of 50%.
Conclusion: the average age of the study population was 45 years and it is observed more frequently in the male sex. The most frequent etiology was that of appendiceal origin. Mortality is relatively low. Patients with a Mannheim index above 26 have a higher risk of mortality. Mortality is higher in cases of secondary acute peritonitis whose etiology is colonic. Patients with underlying neoplastic pathology represent a low number.

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How to Cite
Schaerer Elizeche PE, Ramírez A. Characterization of secondary acute peritonitis according to the Mannheim scale subjected to surgical treatment in the General Surgery Service at the Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social in the year 2020. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];15(1):035-46. Available from:
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