Risk assessment of obstructive sleep apnea and adherence to pharmacological treatment in patients with arterial hypertension
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Introduction: there is a suspicion about the bidirectional relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and arterial hypertension (AHT). Both have a synergistic action on cardiovascular outcomes, so it is important to assess the prevalence of risk for OSA in hypertensive patients. In this last group we have also investigated the rate of adherence to prescribed drugs.
Metodology: through a case-control study and with the application of the STOP-BANG questionnaire, the risk categories for sleep apnea in the two cohorts have been discriminated. For the analysis of adherence to antihypertensive drugs, the abbreviated Morisky questionnaire was used.
Results: 590 individuals were included (295 cases and 295 controls. A high risk for OSA was observed in the hypertensive group (36.6%) compared to 14.2% in the control group. On the other hand, the male sex OR 7.77 (95%CI 4.33-13.84), obesity OR 5.03 (95%CI 3.11-8.13) and hypertension OR 4.31 (95%CI 2.64-7.03) they are weighted significant in a logistic adjustment model studied here.61.69% of hypertensive patients reported adherence to the prescribed pharmacological treatment.
Discussion: OSA screening is feasible with a questionnaire applicable in daily clinical practice. From the pre-test clinical probability, specific diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of OSA must be started, emphasizing cases of resistant AHT, nocturnal AHT, and masked AHT. Local studies should be carried out to help us understand the causes of non-adherence to antihypertensive drugs in a significant fraction of individuals with AHT.
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