The Revista del Nacional (Itauguá) (ISSN 2307-3640 online version) is the official organ of scientific dissemination of the National Medical Center - National Hospital, Itauguá-Paraguay under the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare.
The objective of this journal is to publish with standards of excellence, the investigative, scientific and intellectual production of original and unpublished works, of current topics (studies that do not exceed two years before publication), generated by national and international professionals in the area of clinical medicine, biomedical research (application of biology and physiology to medicine), dentistry, nursing, nutrition, public health, microbiology, molecular biology, health biotechnology, and other areas related to health. The manuscripts of traditional, complementary and integrative medicines will be exhaustively evaluated by the editorial board for their acceptance, having as main criteria the relevance and interest of the community.
It is published every four-monthly with an annual volume. The first issue of the magazine covers the period January-April, the second May-August, and the third September-December.
It does not charge fees for evaluation or publication, it is freely accessible and free of charge.
Current Issue
Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024): Revista del Nacional (Itauguá)
Artículo Original
Artículo de Revisión
Caso Clínico
Indexada en:
Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS)/ Base de Datos Nacional de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud de Paraguay (BDNPAR) / SciELO Paraguay/ SciELO Regional/Directorio de Acceso Abierto Revistas Científicas (DOAJ)/SCOPUS.
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