COVID-19 in medical students at a private university in the 2020-2021 academic period Frequency and clinical characteristics

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Nicolle Calvo
Sabina Godek
Mauricio Gabriel Ribeiro Martins
Telmo Raúl Aveiro Robalo
Margarita Samudio


Introduction: the first case of COVID-19 in Paraguay was confirmed on March 7, 2020. No publications characterizing the frequency and clinical-epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in medical students have been found.
Objective: to determine the frequency of infection by SARS-CoV-2 and clinical characteristics of medical students at the Universidad del Pacífico during the 2020-2021 academic period.
Methodology: this was a cross-sectional descriptive observational study, that included medical students from the Universidad del Pacífico. The data was obtained through an online survey by Google Docs© that included age, sex, academic year, symptoms, sequelae, laboratory testing and results for SARS-CoV-2 and severity of the condition.
Results: 342 students between 18 and 42 years of age from the 6 courses were surveyed, 70.8% were female; 66.4 % presented symptoms compatible with COVID-19, the most frequent (44.2 %) was headache. 67.5 % were in contact with someone with COVID-19 and 40.4 % reported not strictly following quarantine guidelines, 61.7 % underwent some laboratory testing and 42.7 % of them were positive for SARS-CoV-2, 98.9 % had a mild infection. 86.7 % knew the contagion source. A significantly (p<0.001) higher frequency of COVID-19 was observed in students ≤21 years old (65 % vs 32 %), those who had contact with a person with COVID-19 (49.1 % vs 10.5 %), and those who presented compatible symptoms (48.8 % vs 18.6 %).
Conclusions: almost half of the participants presented positive results for SARS-CoV-2, which shows high community transmission

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How to Cite
Calvo N, Godek S, Ribeiro Martins MG, Aveiro Robalo TR, Samudio M. COVID-19 in medical students at a private university in the 2020-2021 academic period: Frequency and clinical characteristics . Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];14(2):030-43. Available from:
Artículo Original


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